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나바호선교 Navajo Mission (7/19~7/25)

DKUMC 0 9,208 2015.07.26 12:24

나바호선교 Navajo Mission (7/19~7/25)

Nate Moyer's Testimony

My Name is Nate Moyer and this is my testimony on the mission trip.  My relationship with God got tested early while on the trip during the first day of vacation bible school. When Pastor Chang brought the Navajo kids to the gym our mission team all sort of looked at each other frustrated and didn’t talk to the kids. The older kids were making noise and booing us during VBS and it really irritated me.  It made me angry and frustrated hearing my fellow mission teammates getting booed while leading worship. Towards the end of the day I went to the chapel next door and just prayed asking the Lord why this was happening to us, and why the first day so hard for me. That night we had night worship and we discussed how the day went and we all said how frustrated we were with how the older kids acted. But we prayed on it and we hoped for the best. God really answered our prayers and things went amazing for us next day. I grew closer to kids also spent a lot of time going to the chapel to reflect on the day and also just to get closer to God. Also when we went to Grand Canyon at night to look at the stars it felt good to relax and just enjoy everything God created in the world without any distractions. I felt like God had a reason for me to go on this mission trip. I believe God was asking me to spread God’s love and his word to the kids at Navajo. When I needed God the most he was always there for me during the mission trip. This was something new that I didn’t experience before. I learned from one of the morning devotions that we may not feel him but he is always with us and watching over us. I hope to go back to Navajo Reservation next year spreading the word of God to even more kids and that the kids that were at VBS this year come back wanting to know even more about God. I also look forward to seeing my new friends next year and getting to know them better.

Navajo Mission Trip 2015 Testimony [Rachell Hong]

            Hello! I’m Rachell Hong, 14 years old and an incoming freshman at the Charter School of Wilmington. I was one of the 14 members that went to the Navajo Mission Trip.

Our main goal during this mission trip was to have a three day VBS and plant fruit trees within a small neighborhood in Navajo. During the trip I experienced great frustration and tiredness but also humbleness and gratefulness of what I have.

On the first day of VBS, we were expecting children that were eager to learn and would be polite or at least well-mannered but only a good handful of them turned out to be like that. We as team grew very aggravated and frustrated at the kids [and teenagers] who wouldn’t listen and instead made our problems worse. As we finished the day, I remember having a disliking towards those kids who wouldn’t listen or wouldn’t bother to participate. We all gathered at the end of the day and talked about how we felt about the first day and one of the first remarks was about the kid’s behaviors. A lot of us asked Pastor Chang if we could only bring the younger children [Grades Pre-k through 5th] since the older kids didn’t seem to be doing anything or helping us at all. But he reminded us that these kids were only acting like this because they needed a lot of love and attention. That gave me a sense of clarity and the right heart. The next day, we all made the effort to talk to the kids, even the out of control kids and we found out that even though they were tough and unruly on the outside, they were very gentle and kind on the inside.

Looking back I feel like we judged too harshly and that’s something I’m going to work on in the future. The other two days were a lot less frustrating and stressful since we were able to form a bond with the students. I became closer to people I didn’t expect and I’m very thankful for the friendship that grew with other members during the trip.

Even though these kids had so little they were so cheerful and energetic and that really humbled me and gave me a grateful heart for what I have and what I have.  Something I’ve learned from this is that God always has his ways and that through him all things are possible. 


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